I feel alive after washing my face~
Okay, this is a review from three BB Cream I've used. Two from Korea and one from Indonesia. Basicly, BB Cream or Blemish Balm Cream is a all-in-one cream which can replace the function of moisturizer, foundation, concelear, and sunblock. Sometimes, you don't have to use powder anymore. But well, it's optional. I usually use mineral foundation (powder, from Revlon) after BB Cream. And if I went to a party (yes, you can say that : to the club! LOL~) then I added Photoready powder after the foundation. Once again, it's optional :)
Now, to the BB Cream. The first BB cream I use is~ TADA~ *drumrolls* from The Face Shop.
Power Perfection from The Face Shop. When you buy this one, you are 'forced' to buy the BB Cleanser Facial Foam, and both of them cost around 500k. I bought this when discount, I got them for 400k :)
Idk for sure about its colour range. Mine is natural beige, but my friend bought the light beige one. The result is dewy and well-moistured-look skin. But, in my oily skin, it looks.. Oily. It covers the acne marks, though, but it makes my face WHITE. You know, like wearing a mask. I decided to use this one ONLY for night use. You will need moisturizer first so you can apply this cream easily. You definetely don't want your skin look dry because of rough application.
The second one, TADA~ Skin79!
Super BB Cream Hot Pink, for the oily skin. I bough the tester one, 5mg, for 35k from online shop. Packaged in a small tube which is easily broken. Damn.
This one is way better than The Face Shop's. Maybe because this one is specifically made for normal to oily skin. I need no moisturizer before applying this cream. It covers smoothly, easily, but it leaves a very oily finishing on my face. It's a bit lighter than my real skin, but doesn't look like a mask. This one is purfecto, but I heard that most BB Cream sold in OL store are fake. I'm not sure about this issue, but I decided not to buy more :| Maybe, just maybe, if Skin79 is available in Indonesia, I will buy one.
Tips : since these creams will make your face looks lighter, I suggest you to use one-two darker tone of powder. You can use loose powder or two-way-cake. Loose for natural look, you can use it as daily make up, and two-way-cake for formal look, like for party or special occasion.
I will use Indonesia here, since Caring Colours is Indonesian product :3
Caring Colous, cabang dari Martha Tilaar yang juga produksi Sariayu, Biokos dan PAC, mengeluarkan seri BB Cream yang sudah dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa supaya cocok buat kulit Indonesia. Karena penasaran, saya coba. Nggak tanggung pula, yang Luminizing. HAHAHA. Sebenernya ada tiga varian, yang Fair White buat memutihkan, Everlast agar make up tahan lama, dan Luminizing buat anti-aging. Sebenernya pengen yang Everlast, tapi lagi abis, huhu. So, this is the product~
Saya belinya yang paling kanan, noh. Kebeneran, saya cobain ke tangan dan difoto. Kira-kira begini nih warnanya pas udah dicocok di punggung tangan. Agak beda mungkin, karena kamera hape saya ga oke, huhuhu Orz
Beda lah ya sama warna kulit asli. Nah, gambar dibawah setelah si BB Cream saya usep-usep merata.
KELIATAN BANGET DEH BEDANYA #plak Yang kiri yang bersih, yang kanan yang dipakein BB Cream. Apakah anda ngeri dan merasa muka anda akan kayak topeng? Tenang. Nggak begitu amat, kok, karena di bawah, ada gambar setelah BB Cream dibiarkan meresap selama 5 menit.
TADA~ Flawless natural look! Hanya sedikit lebih terang daripada warna kulit asli. Tapi, masih ada tapinya, saya tidak menyarankan ini buat siang-siang. Soalnya ada partikel sparkling yang bakal membuat kulit kamu terlihat layaknya Edward Cullen.
Sebelum pake BB Cream ini, saya sarankan pake moisturizer, tipis aja. Diamkan 5 menit, baru deh pake BB Cream. Baru bisa dilanjutkan dengan loose powder, tipis dulu, baru deh eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush on, dan finishing-nya, pake loose powder lagi tipis-tipis. Kalo kulit kamu berminyak, boleh pake semuka-muka si loose powdernya. Tapi kalo kering, mending di area-area yang perlu aja. Atau bahkan nggak usah pake bedak lagi, BB Cream aja cukup. Terakhir, kalo warna muka nggak rata (just say, dark circle, bekas jerawat) maka pake BB Cream bisa dua lapis. Yang pertama semuka-muka, yang kedua sebagai concelear--cuma di area yang dirasa perlu :3
But, you don't want to take a photoshoot with blitz, because your face's gonna look like THIS =))
Basicly, emang krim yang satu ini merefleksi cahaya secara maksimal. Jelas gegara ada partikel sparkling-nya tadi. I will try the Everlast one, once I got to Jakarta, and do a review again. Just stay tune, for those who got normal-oily skin ;)
Last but not least, I highly recommend BB Cream! Kenapa? Karena kamu nggak akan butuh concelear dan primer lagi. This all-in-one foundation emang harganya lebih mahal daripada foundation (Korea punya sekitar 150-300 k, tergantung merk) tapi jatohnya murah karena nggak perlu pake yang lain-lain lagi. Hasilnya pun natural dan ringan, padahal saya makenya lumayan tebel LOL. Maklum, nasip orang jerawatan Orz
P.S. Caring Colour cuma 67rb! MURAH MERIAH! XDD
P.S.S. Saya sering dipanggil 'ibu' kalo pake primer + foundation + concelear + powder, tapi sekarang dipanggil 'mbak' kalo pake BB Cream + bedak LOL~
Good luck with your BB Cream and Ulzzang style~